The Leadership Teams We Want: How we build them, how we launch them and how we coach them

Is your team making magic happen when it comes to meeting expected outcomes? Does your team utilize highly effective practices to reach team goals? Do you need to build leadership capacity in your school or district? In this session you will learn how to implement conditions that catapult your co-acting group into a high performing team and build the capacity of team members to lead and implement best practices. Participants will be introduced to research-based team conditions, a metric for diagnosing the strengths and weaknesses of a team and how team coaching through LSI’s Instructional Leadership Institute will support your team in continuous improvement.


Additional information

Practice Area

School Improvement


School Leader, District Leader

Session Topics

Culture & Climate, Leadership Practices, Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), School Improvement, Teacher Leadership Practices

Speaker Name

Peggy Voigt, Penny Sell


Day 1 – Wed., June 23, 2021


2:00PM – 3:00PM