SEL and Collective Agency

At Learning Sciences International, collective agency is developed through a progression that involves a focus on the individual and collective whys of a team and organization. This requires a shift in the way we see ourselves and one another as we journey through crisis and trauma. Participants will learn more about this progression toward collective agency to fully understand how an investment and commitment within vision and mission may fuel a synergy of compassion between students, teachers, leaders, and the extended school community to afford sustainable, transformational change.


Additional information

Practice Area



Teacher, Instructional Coach/ Teacher Coach, School Leader, District Leader, Leadership Team

Session Topics

Culture & Climate, Equity & Access, Leadership Practices, School Improvement, Social & Emotional Learning (SEL), Student Ownership, Teacher Leadership Practices

Speaker Name

Camile Earle-Dennis


Day 1 – Wed., June 23, 2021


12:00PM – 1:00PM