Get Students Ready for the Real World by Upping Our Teaming Game

What can I do to get my students more engaged with tasks and with each other? And more importantly, how can I get them to collaborate and support one another as they learn? There is no magic formula but there are structures and routines that we can build to have more supportive teams. Focus on skills students need in the real world and look at ways to turn the learning over to the students to mimic real-world collaboration and teaming. Attend this session, if you feel you have teaming foundations in place.


Additional information

Practice Area

Core Instruction


Teacher, School Leader

Session Topics

Academic Teaming, Core Instruction, Culture & Climate, Equity & Access, Instructional Practices, Social & Emotional Learning (SEL), Student Engagement, Student Ownership

Speaker Name

Liz Buzzanca, Mindy Province


Day 1 – Wed., June 23, 2021


3:30PM – 4:30PM